The Review Procedure:
- Manuscripts that have not previously been published in other publications, have scientific novelty, are relevant to the theme of the conference and have theoretical and practical significance are accepted for consideration.
- All works undergo a blind review procedure by at least two – Three reviewers – experts in the field of research with scientific title Assist. Prof. Dr. or Prof. Dr.
Review Criteria:
- Does the topic and writing style correspond to the quality of Selected Journals for publications?
- Is the article scientifically high quality and not misleading?
- Is the article clearly written, concise, and understandable?
- Does the article have a general introduction?
- Is the article written in the English language?
- Does the article have clear, legible graphics and diagrams contained within the margins?
Publication Ethics:
The Scientific Committee of the conference adheres strictly to standards of publishing and academic integrity. The main documents on which the journal’s editors rely are the developments of the Committee on Publication Ethics. Editors, reviewers and authors are required to follow publication ethics and strictly adhere to the rules described in the selected journal for publication.
Serious violations (such as data falsification or plagiarism) are taken seriously and subject to further investigation. If any violation is confirmed, the Scientific committee will remove the manuscript from publication at any stage. The manuscript is not sent to the selected journal for publication.